For everyone who attended thank you! If you didn’t make it don’t worry, we plan to be open every Friday and Saturday from 4pm-9pm. The outpouring of support was tremendous, and none of this would have been possible without it.
Our Stout was well received by customers, and we hope to follow it up soon with another few choices.
A special thank you to Buff and the Crazy Box Baker for providing us with amazing BBQ and Grilled Cheese! We are working with both gentlemen to bring them back on a regular basis. If you have other suggestions please let us know.
We hope to see everyone again this weekend. We hope to be releasing our Kolsch, but we will not know till later in the week, so check back. Again thank you all!
We are happy to be open every Friday, and Saturday night from 4pm - 9pm. Sunday we're open 1pm - 6pm. We will have a rotating list of food trucks to keep everyone fed. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.